Happy Halloween
Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here at It's Fun Time we're celebrating! We've got our spooky [PRODUCT96]disco dome[/] out and sweet treats for all our trick or treaters. Pop over to see us! Bouncy castle hire Bourne
UPDATE...Wowsers we have been absolutely hammered! I think half of Bourne has paid us a visit tonight. Lots and lots of happy children playing on the [CATEGORY12]bouncy castle[/] and over 120 sweetie bags handed out! Many thanks to everybody who brought their children..... we really love getting the opportunity to "give a little back". Disco dome hire Bourne
As we start looking forward to Halloween again this year, we really hope the weather chooses to cooperate!! We love to party and love giving out sweets to all of the lovely local children. As long as the weather is looking good, we will be continuing our tradition of having a party on the front garden as all of the little trick or treaters come around. They can have a break and a bounce, get some treats and the mummies and daddies can take a moment to have some adult conversation with us whilst the kids wear themselves out, hopefully giving a quiet evening when you finally get home at the end of the evening!
See you same time next year!
Helen @ Funtime HQ